quarta-feira, março 08, 2017


Esta atividade na apostila foi dada para o dia 9.03.17
 Página 5
1. What's the best answer?
a) Do they like pizza?
( ) Yes, I do.
( ) Yes, she does.
( ) Yes, they do.

b) Does she research this topic?
( ) No, she doesn't.
( ) No, she do;
( ) No, she don't.

c) Does he go to the beach?
( ) Yes, he does.
( ) Yes, he do.
( ) Yes, he don't.

Página 6
3. Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences.
a) I ___________________ in a bank. (work / works / workers )
b) We ___________________ to Canda every summer. ( fly / flys / flies )
c) The supermarket ___________________ at ten o'clock. ( close / closes / closies )
d) ___________________  they ___________________  in their noteboks during class? ( Do, writes / Does, writes / Do, write )
e) ___________________  Patty often ___________________  her brother and sisters? ( Does, help / Does, helps / Do, helps )

4. Read the senteces and correct them.
a) The sun rises in the south.
The sun doesn't rise in the south.
The sun rises in the east.
b) Australians speak German.
c) Penguins live in hot places.
d) England produce the most famous watches in the world.
e) Water boils at 150 degrees centigrade.
f) Camões is a Spanish writer.

Página 7
Choose the right pronoun to finish hese sentence:

1. ___________________  need to talk me closely.
a) You
b) He
c) She

2. Susi and Paul were tired, because ___________________ had waited Karen almost 2 hours.
a) he
b) she
c) they

3. Hold the bag, please, while I put the sweets in ___________________ .
a) it
b) they
c) we

4. ___________________  hope those gifts can be for me!
a) You
b) I
c) They

Esta atividade na apostila foi dada no dia 2.03.17

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